
Give guests a chance to count their blessings with these interactive placecards.


What You’ll Need


Step 1 Print the Grateful Placecard template onto cardstock.

Step 2 Cut the cards to size, slip them into an envelope, write each guest’s name on the back, place one on top of each plate and let everyone fill theirs in.

These cards also make a great icebreaker if you’re hosting an orphan’s Thanksgiving. Guests can pass their cards to the left and everyone reads someone else’s card aloud. Or, one person can also collect all cards—as they are read aloud, guests guess who wrote what.



Kids’ Placecards

Let the kids’ table in on the gratitude with color-in placecards that are just for them.

What You’ll Need:

Step 1 Print the Kids’ Placecard template onto paper. Make extras in case kids want to keep coloring!

Step 2 Cut to card size and place one on each child’s plate, setting cups of colored pencils or crayons in the middle of the table.

Big kids can write in the words for the little guys and everyone will enjoy coloring in the drawing. And a table full of happy kids is just one more thing to be grateful for.

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